Friday, October 16, 2015


Foto dari dioda, menunjukkan kristal semikonduktor berbentuk kubus
Foto dari diode semikonduktor
SimbolSimbol dioda
Simbol diode tabung hampa
TipeKomponen aktif
KategoriSemikonduktor (diode kristal)
Tabung hampa (diode termionik)
PenemuFrederick Guthrie (1873(diode termionik)
Karl Ferdinand Braun (1874) (diode kristal)

Berbagai diode semikonduktor, bawah adalah penyearah jembatan

Struktur dari diode tabung hampa
Diode adalah komponen aktif dua kutub yang pada umumnya bersifat semikonduktor, yang memperbolehkan arus listrik mengalir ke satu arah (kondisi panjar maju) dan menghambat arus dari arah sebaliknya (kondisi panjar mundur). Diode dapat disamakan sebagai fungsi katup di dalam bidang elektronika. Diode sebenarnya tidak menunjukkan karakteristik kesearahan yang sempurna, melainkan mempunyai karakteristik hubungan arus dan tegangan kompleks yang tidak linier dan seringkali tergantung pada teknologi atau material yang digunakan serta parameter penggunaan. Beberapa jenis diode juga mempunyai fungsi yang tidak ditujukan untuk penggunaan penyearahan.
Awal mula dari diode adalah peranti kristal Cat's Whisker dan tabung hampa (juga disebut katup termionik). Saat ini diode yang paling umum dibuat dari bahan semikonduktor seperti silikon atau germanium.


Walaupun diode kristal (semikonduktor) dipopulerkan sebelum diode termionik, diode termionik dan diode kristal dikembangkan secara terpisah pada waktu yang bersamaan. Prinsip kerja dari diode termionik ditemukan oleh Frederick Guthrie pada tahun 1873[1] Sedangkan prinsip kerja diode kristal ditemukan pada tahun 1874 oleh peneliti Jerman, Karl Ferdinand Braun[2].
Pada waktu penemuan, peranti seperti ini dikenal sebagai penyearah (rectifier). Pada tahun 1919, William Henry Eccles memperkenalkan istilah diode yang berasal dari di berarti dua, dan ode (dari ὅδος) berarti "jalur".

Prinsip kerja

Prinsip kerja diode termionik ditemukan kembali oleh Thomas Edison pada 13 Februari 1880 dan dia diberi hak paten pada tahun 1883, namun tidak dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Braun mematenkan penyearah kristal pada tahun 1899[3]. Penemuan Braun dikembangkan lebih lanjut oleh Jagdish Chandra Bose menjadi sebuah peranti berguna untuk detektor radio. 

Dioda termionik

Simbol untuk diode tabung hampa pemanasan taklangung, dari atas kebawah adalah anode, katode dan filamen pemanas
Dioda termionik adalah sebuah peranti katup termionik yang merupakan susunan elektrode-elektrode di ruang hampa dalam sampul gelas. Dioda termionik pertama bentuknya sangat mirip dengan bola lampu pijar.
Dalam diode katup termionik, arus listrik yang melalui filamen pemanas secara tidak langsung memanaskan katode (Beberapa diode menggunakan pemanasan langsung, dimana filamen wolfram berlaku sebagai pemanas sekaligus juga sebagai katode), elektrode internal lainnya dilapisi dengan campuran barium dan strontium oksida, yang merupakan oksida dari logam alkali tanah. Substansi tersebut dipilih karena memiliki fungsi kerja yang kecil. Bahang yang dihasilkan menimbulkan pancaran termionik elektron ke ruang hampa. Dalam operasi maju, elektrode logam disebelah yang disebut anode diberi muatan positif jadi secara elektrostatik menarik elektron yang terpancar.
Walaupun begitu, elektron tidak dapat dipancarkan dengan mudah dari permukaan anode yang tidak terpanasi ketika polaritas tegangan dibalik. Karenanya, aliran listrik terbalik apapun yang dihasilkan dapat diabaikan.
Dalam sebagian besar abad ke-20, diode katup termionik digunakan dalam penggunaan isyarat analog, dan sebagai penyearah pada pemacu daya. Saat ini, diode katup hanya digunakan pada penggunaan khusus seperti penguat gitar listrik, penguat audio kualitas tinggi serta peralatan tegangan dan daya tinggi.

Dioda semikonduktor

Sebagian besar diode saat ini berdasarkan pada teknologi pertemuan p-n semikonduktor. Pada diode p-n, arus mengalir dari sisi tipe-p (anode) menuju sisi tipe-n (katode), tetapi tidak mengalir dalam arah sebaliknya.
Tipe lain dari diode semikonduktor adalah diode Schottky yang dibentuk dari pertemuan antara logam dan semikonduktor (sawar Schottky) sebagai ganti pertemuan p-n konvensional.

Karakteristik arus–tegangan

Karakteristik arus–tegangan dari diode, atau kurva I–V, berhubungan dengan perpindahan dari pembawa melalui yang dinamakan lapisan penipisan atau daerah pengosongan (hole) yang terdapat pada pertemuan p-n di antara semikonduktor. Ketika pertemuan p-n dibuat, elektron pita konduksi dari daerah N menyebar ke daerah P dimana terdapat banyak lubang yang menyebabkan elektron bergabung dan mengisi lubang yang ada, baik lubang dan elektron bebas yang ada lenyap, meninggalkan donor bermuatan positif pada sisi-N dan akseptor bermuatan negatif pada sisi-P. Daerah disekitar pertemuan p-n menjadi dikosongkan (hole) dari pembawa muatan dan karenanya berlaku sebagai isolator.
Walaupun begitu, lebar dari daerah pengosongan tidak dapat tumbuh tanpa batas. Untuk setiap pasangan elektron-lubang yang bergabung, ion pengotor bermuatan positif ditinggalkan pada daerah terkotori-n dan ion pengotor bermuatan negatif ditinggalkan pada daerah terkotori-p. Saat penggabungan berlangsung dan lebih banyak ion ditimbulkan, sebuah medan listrik terbentuk di dalam daerah pegosongan yang memperlambat penggabungan dan akhirnya menghentikannya. Medan listrik ini menghasilkan tegangan tetap dalam pertemuan.

Jenis-jenis diode semikonduktor

Kemasan diode sejajar dengan simbolnya, pita menunjukkan sisi katode

Beberapa jenis dioda
Ada beberapa jenis dari diode pertemuan yang hanya menekankan perbedaan pada aspek fisik baik ukuran geometrik, tingkat pengotoran, jenis elektrode ataupun jenis pertemuan, atau benar-benar peranti berbeda seperti diode Gunn, diode laser dan diodeMOSFET.

Dioda biasa

Beroperasi seperti penjelasan di atas. Biasanya dibuat dari silikon terkotori atau yang lebih langka dari germanium. Sebelum pengembangan diode penyearah silikon modern, digunakan kuprous oksida (kuprox)dan selenium, pertemuan ini memberikan efisiensi yang rendah dan penurunan tegangan maju yang lebih tinggi (biasanya 1.4–1.7 V tiap pertemuan, dengan banyak lapisan pertemuan ditumpuk untuk mempertinggi ketahanan terhadap tegangan terbalik), dan memerlukan benaman bahan yang besar (kadang-kadang perpanjangan dari substrat logam dari dioda), jauh lebih besar dari diode silikon untuk rating arus yang sama.

Dioda bandangan

Dioda yang menghantar pada arah terbalik ketika tegangan panjar mundur melebihi tegangan dadal dari pertemuan P-N. Secara listrik mirip dan sulit dibedakan dengan diode Zener, dan kadang-kadang salah disebut sebagai diode Zener, padahal diode ini menghantar dengan mekanisme yang berbeda yaitu efek bandangan. Efek ini terjadi ketika medan listrik terbalik yang membentangi pertemuan p-n menyebabkan gelombang ionisasi pada pertemuan, menyebabkan arus besar mengalir melewatinya, mengingatkan pada terjadinya bandangan yang menjebol bendungan. Dioda bandangan didesain untuk dadal pada tegangan terbalik tertentu tanpa menjadi rusak. Perbedaan antara diode bandangan (yang mempunyai tegangan dadal terbalik diatas 6.2 V) dan diode Zener adalah panjang kanal yang melebihi rerata jalur bebas dari elektron, jadi ada tumbukan antara mereka. Perbedaan yang mudah dilihat adalah keduanya mempunyai koefisien suhu yang berbeda, diode bandangan berkoefisien positif, sedangkan Zener berkoefisien negatif.

Dioda Cat's whisker

Ini adalah salah satu jenis diode kontak titik. Dioda cat's whisker terdiri dari kawat logam tipis dan tajam yang ditekankan pada kristal semikonduktor, biasanya galena atau sepotong batu bara[5]. Kawatnya membentuk anode dan kristalnya membentuk katode. Dioda Cat's whisker juga disebut diode kristal dan digunakan pada penerima radio kristal.

Dioda arus tetap

Ini sebenarnya adalah sebuah JFET dengan kaki gerbangnya disambungkan langsung ke kaki sumber, dan berfungsi seperti pembatas arus dua saluran (analog dengan Zener yang membatasi tegangan). Peranti ini mengizinkan arus untuk mengalir hingga harga tertentu, dan lalu menahan arus untuk tidak bertambah lebih lanjut.

Esaki atau diode terobosan

Dioda ini mempunyai karakteristik resistansi negatif pada daerah operasinya yang disebabkan oleh quantum tunneling, karenanya memungkinkan penguatan isyarat dan sirkuit dwimantap sederhana. Dioda ini juga jenis yang paling tahan terhadap radiasi radioaktif.

Dioda Gunn

Dioda ini mirip dengan diode terowongan karena dibuat dari bahan seperti GaAs atau InP yang mempunyai daerah resistansi negatif. Dengan panjar yang semestinya, domain dipol terbentuk dan bergerak melalui dioda, memungkinkan osilator gelombang mikro frekuensi tinggi dibuat.

Demodulasi radio

Penggunaan pertama diode adalah demodulasi dari isyarat radio modulasi amplitudo (AM). Dioda menyearahkan isyarat AM frekuensi radio, meninggalkan isyarat audio. Isyarat audio diambil dengan menggunakan tapis elektronik sederhana dan dikuatkan.

Penyearah arus

Penyearah arus dibuat dari diode, dimana diode digunakan untuk mengubah arus bolak-balik (AC) menjadi arus searah (DC). Contoh yang paling banyak ditemui adalah pada rangkaian adaptor. Pada adaptor, diode digunakan untuk menyearahkan arus bolak-balik menjadi arus searah. Sedangkan contoh yang lain adalah alternator otomotif, dimana diode mengubah AC menjadi DC dan memberikan performansi yang lebih baik dari cincin komutator dari dinamo DC.


6 different resistors
Two resistors in serial circuit
Two resistors in parallel circuit
Resistor color code
resistor limits the electrical current that flows through a circuit. Resistance is the restriction of current.[1] In a resistor the energy of theelectrons that pass through the resistor are changed to heat and/or light. For example, in a light bulb there is a resistor made of tungstenwhich converts the electrons into light.

Series and parallel

Resistors can be linked in various combinations to help make a circuit:
  1. Series - Where the resistors are linked one after another.
  2. Parallel - Where the resistors are linked over one another.
There are many different types of resistors. Resistors have different ratings to tell electricians how much power they can handle before they break and how accurately they can slow the flow of electricity.[3]. Connecting two resistors in series results in a higher resistance than when you connect the same two resistors in parallel. To prevent from the resistor reaching its capacity, place the resistors in parallel to keep the total resistance lower. Nowadays the electrical industry in many cases uses so called surface-mount technology based resistors which can be be very small.[4]

Calculating resistance

  • Series Circuit: Rt=R1+R2+R3+R4...Rn
  • Parallel Circuit: 1/Rt=1/R1+1/R2+1/R3...1/Rn
Where R is the resistor's value [5]

Ohm’s Law

The formula for Ohm’s law, V=I*R, states that the voltage drop across a component is equal to the product of the current flowing in the component times the resistance of the component. When using Ohm’s law, you are able to switch the formula around if needed to find a different outcome: I=V/R or R=V/I [6]

Color code

Resistor Color Code
Resistor's values are rated by the colors that are listed on the side of the resistor. The colored bands that are used on the sides of a resistor are black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gray, and white. Each color represents a different number. The black band represents the number 0, brown band represents the number 1, red is 2 and so on all the way to white which is the number 9. These numbers are very important in the electronic field.[7]
A resistor can have multiple bands of color on its side. The most common have four but they can range all the way up to 6 per resistor. On a four band resistor, the last band is gold or silver. The gold band represents a positive or negative 5% tolerance. The silver band on a resistor represents a positive or negative 10% tolerance. Hold this band on the right side, and read the colors from left to right. The first two bands are read as the numbers that they represent in the color code. The third band acts as a multiplier for the other bands, so for example, if the third band was a yellow band which is a 3, it would mean you multiply the two numbers by 1000. In short you add the value of the color in zeros at the end, so add three zeros.[8]


Resistors are used in many different ways. First of all, they are put in circuits to protect components from damage such as LEDs. [9] They also control the amount of current flowing in a circuit, for example, if you want the current to be slowed you would add more resistors to create more resistance in the circuit. Resistors can also split voltage between different parts of a circuit and control time delay. [10]

Resistor materials

There are many different types of resistors you can find. They are all made with a resistance material encased in a non-conductive material casing, such as plastic. Fixed resistors are usually made of carbon encased in a plastic cylinder, with a connecting wire on either end. Most resistors used in electronics today are carbon resistors. Older resistors were made of a poorly conducting metal, in order to restrict the flow of electricity.[11][12]


Tempo Kapasitor (komponén) pikeun bahasan tipe husus.
Kapasitor: SMD keramik di beulah kénca; SMD tantalum di beulah kénca handap; through-hole tantalum di beulah katuhu luhur; through-hole éléktrolit di beulah katuhu handap. Kalolobaan babagian skala dina cm.
Kapasitor nyaéta parangkat listrik nu bisa nyimpen énérgi dina médan listrik antara sapasang konduktor nu jarakna deukeut (disebut 'pelat'). Nalika voltase diterapkeun kana kapasitor, muatan listrik kalayan gedé nu sarua, tapi polaritas atawa kutubna béda bakal diwangun dina unggal pelat.
Kapasitor digunakeun dina sirkuit listrik minangka alat panyimpen énérgi. Bisa ogé digunakeun keur misahkeun sinyal frékuénsi luhur jeung frékuénsi handap sarta ngajadikeunnana bisa dipigunakeun dina filter éléktronik.
Kapasitor kadang-kadang disebut kondénsator. Istilah ieu dianggep istilah baheula.


Kapasitor diwangun ku dua éléktroda, atawa pelat konduktif, nu dipisahkeun ku isolator

Kapasitansi kapasitor

Kapasitansi kapasitor (C) nyaéta ukuran muatan (Q) nu kasimpen dina unggal pelat pikeun hiji béda poténsial atawa tegangan (V) nu mucunghul antara pelat-pelat éta:
C = {Q \over V}
Dina hijian SI, kapasitor mibanda kapasitansi safarad lamun sacoulomb muatan nyababkeun béda poténsial savolt pikeun sakabéh pelat. Kusabab farad téh nyaéta hijian nu kacida gedéna, ajén kapasitor biasana diungkabkeun dina microfarad (µF), nanofarad (nF) atawa picofarad (pF).

The capacitance is proportional to the surface area of the conducting plate and inversely proportional to the distance between the plates. It is also proportional to the permittivityof the dielectric (that is, non-conducting) substance that separates the plates.
The capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor is given by:
C \approx \frac{\epsilon A}{d}; A \gg d^2 
where ε is the permittivity of the dielectric, A is the area of the plates and d is the spacing between them.
In the diagram, the rotated molecules create an opposing electric field that partially cancels the field created by the plates, a process called dielectric polarization.

Enérgi nu kasimpen

As opposite charges accumulate on the plates of a capacitor due to the separation of charge, a voltage develops across the capacitor owing to the electric field of these charges. Ever-increasing work must be done against this ever-increasing electric field as more charge is separated. The energy (measured in joules, in SI) stored in a capacitor is equal to the amount of work required to establish the voltage across the capacitor, and therefore the electric field. The energy stored is given by:
 E_\mathrm{stored}  = {1 \over 2}  C V^2 = {1 \over 2} {Q^2 \over C} = {1 \over 2} {V Q}
where V is the voltage across the capacitor.
The maximum energy that can be (safely) stored in a particular capacitor is limited by the maximum electric field that the dielectric can withstand before it breaks down. Therefore, all capacitors made with the same dielectric have about the same maximum energy density (Joules of energy per cubic meter).

Modél hidrolis

Crystal Clear app xmag.svg
 Artikel utama: Analogi hidrolis.
As electrical circuitry can be modeled by fluid flow, a capacitor can be modeled as a chamber with a flexible diaphragm separating the input from the output. As can be determined intuitively as well as mathematically, this provides the correct characteristics
  • The pressure across the unit is proportional to the integral of the current
  • steady state current cannot pass through it but a pulse or alternating current can be transmitted
  • the capacitance of units connected in parallel is equivalent to the sum of their individual capacitances
  • applying too much pressure, above the maximum breakdown pressure, will destroy it.

Kapasitor dina sirkuit listrik

Sirkuit kalayan sumber DC

Electrons cannot easily pass directly across the dielectric from one plate of the capacitor to the other as the dielectric is carefully chosen so that it is a good insulator. When there is a current through a capacitor, electrons accumulate on one plate and electrons are removed from the other plate. This process is commonly called 'charging' the capacitor—even though the capacitor is at all times electrically neutral. In fact, the current through the capacitor results in the separation of electric charge, rather than the accumulation of electric charge. This separation of charge causes an electric field to develop between the plates of the capacitor giving rise to voltage across the plates. This voltage V is directly proportional to the amount of charge separated Q. Since the current I through the capacitor is the rate at which charge Q is forced through the capacitor (dQ/dt), this can be expressed mathematically as:
I = \frac{dQ}{dt} = C\frac{dV}{dt}    
I is the current flowing in the conventional direction, measured in amperes
dV/dt is the time derivative of voltage, measured in volts per second.
C is the capacitance in farads
For circuits with a constant (DC) voltage source, the voltage across the capacitor cannot exceed the voltage of the source. (Unless the circuit includes a switch and an inductor, as in SMPS, or a switch and some diodes, as in a charge pump). Thus, an equilibrium is reached where the voltage across the capacitor is constant and the current through the capacitor is zero. For this reason, it is commonly said that capacitors block DC current.

Sirkuit kalayan sumber AC

The capacitor current due to an AC voltage or current source reverses direction periodically. That is, the AC current alternately charges the plates in one direction and then the other. With the exception of the instant that the current changes direction, the capacitor current is non-zero at all times during a cycle. For this reason, it is commonly said that capacitors 'pass' AC current. However, at no time do electrons actually cross between the plates, unless the dielectric breaks down or becomes excessively 'leaky'. In this case it would probably overheat, malfunction, burn out, or even fail catastrophically possibly leading to an explosion.
Since the voltage across a capacitor is the integral of the current, as shown above, with sine waves in AC or signal circuits this results in a phase difference of 90 degrees, the current leading the voltage phase angle. It can be shown that the AC voltage across the capacitor is in quadrature with the AC current through the capacitor. That is, the voltage and current are 'out-of-phase' by a quarter cycle. The amplitude of the voltage depends on the amplitude of the current divided by the product of the frequency of the current with the capacitance, C.


The ratio of the phasor voltage to the phasor current is called the impedance of a capacitor and is given by:
Z_C = \frac{-j}{2 \pi f C} = -j X_C
X_C = \frac{1}{\omega C} is the capacitive reactance,
\omega = 2 \pi f \, is the angular frequency,
f = input frequency,
C = capacitance in farads, and
j=\sqrt{-1} is the imaginary unit.
While this relation (between the frequency domain voltage and current associated with a capacitor) is always true, the ratio of the time domain voltage and current amplitudes is equal to X_C only for sinusoidal (AC) circuits in steady state.
Hence, capacitive reactance is the negative imaginary component of impedance. The negative sign indicates that the current leads the voltage by 90° for a sinusoidal signal, as opposed to the inductor, where the current lags the voltage by 90°.
The impedance is analogous to the resistance of a resistor. The impedance of a capacitor is inversely proportional to the frequency—that is, for very high-frequency alternating currents the reactance approaches zero—so that a capacitor is nearly a short circuit to a very high frequency AC source. Conversely, for very low frequency alternating currents, the reactance increases without bound so that a capacitor is nearly an open circuit to a very low frequency AC source. This frequency dependent behaviour accounts for most uses of the capacitor (see "Applications", below).
Reactance is so called because the capacitor doesn't dissipate power, but merely stores energy. In electrical circuits, as in mechanics, there are two types of load, resistive and reactive. Resistive loads (analogous to an object sliding on a rough surface) dissipate the energy delivered by the circuit, ultimately by electromagnetic emission (see Black body radiation), while reactive loads (analogous to a spring or frictionless moving object) store this energy, ultimately delivering the energy back to the circuit.
Also significant is that the impedance is inversely proportional to the capacitance, unlike resistors and inductors for which impedances are linearly proportional to resistance and inductance respectively. This is why the series and shunt impedance formulae (given below) are the inverse of the resistive case. In series, impedances sum. In parallel, conductances sum.

Persamaan Laplace (widang s)

When using the Laplace transform in circuit analysis, the capacitive impedance is represented in the s domain by:
where C is the capacitance, and s (= σ+jω) is the complex frequency.

Kapasitor jeung arus nu pindah

The physicist James Clerk Maxwell invented the concept of displacement current, dD/dt, to make Ampere's law consistent with conservation of charge in cases where charge is accumulating as in a capacitor. He interpreted this as a real motion of charges, even in vacuum, where he supposed that it corresponded to motion of dipole charges in the ether. Although this interpretation has been abandoned, Maxwell's correction to Ampere's law remains valid.

Jaringan kapasitor

Susunan séri jeung paralél

Crystal Clear app xmag.svg
 Artikel utama: Sirkuit séri jeung paralél.
Capacitors in a parallel configuration each have the same potential difference (voltage). Their total capacitance (Ceq) is given by:
A diagram of several capacitors, side by side, both leads of each connected to the same wires
 C_{eq} = C_1 + C_2 + \cdots + C_n \,
The reason for putting capacitors in parallel is to increase the total amount of charge stored. In other words, increasing the capacitance also increases the amount of energy that can be stored. Its expression is:
 E_\mathrm{stored} = {1 \over 2} C V^2 .
The current through capacitors in series stays the same, but the voltage across each capacitor can be different. The sum of the potential differences (voltage) is equal to the total voltage. Their total capacitance is given by:
A diagram of several capacitors, connected end to end, with the same amount of current going through each
 \frac{1}{C_{eq}} = \frac{1}{C_1} + \frac{1}{C_2} + \cdots + \frac{1}{C_n}
In parallel the effective area of the combined capacitor has increased, increasing the overall capacitance. While in series, the distance between the plates has effectively been increased, reducing the overall capacitance.
In practice capacitors will be placed in series as a means of economically obtaining very high voltage capacitors, for example for smoothing ripples in a high voltage power supply. Three "600 volt maximum" capacitors in series, will increase their overall working voltage to 1800 volts. This is of course offset by the capacitance obtained being only one third of the value of the capacitors used. This can be countered by connecting 3 of these series set-ups in parallel, resulting in a 3x3 matrix of capacitors with the same overall capacitance as an individual capacitor but operable under three times the voltage. In this application, a large resistor would be connected across each capacitor to ensure that the total voltage is divided equally across each capacitor and also to discharge the capacitors for safety when the equipment is not in use.
Another application is for use of polarized capacitors in alternating current circuits; the capacitors are connected in series, in reverse polarity, so that at any given time one of the capacitors is not conducting.

Dualitas kapasitor/induktor

In mathematical terms, the ideal capacitor can be considered as an inverse of the ideal inductor, because the voltage-current equations of the two devices can be transformed into one another by exchanging the voltage and current terms. Just as two or more inductors can be magnetically coupled to make a transformer, two or more charged conductors can be electrostatically coupled to make a capacitor. The mutual capacitance of two conductors is defined as the current that flows in one when the voltage across the other changes by unit voltage in unit time.


Capacitor symbols
Capacitor symbol
Polarized capacitor symbol
Polarized capacitor symbol 2
Polarized capacitor symbol 3
Polarized capacitor symbol 4
Variable capacitor symbol
Capacitors have various uses in electronic and electrical systems.

Panyimpenan énérgi

A capacitor can store electric energy when disconnected from its charging circuit, so it can be used like a temporary battery. Capacitors are commonly used in electronic devices to maintain power supply while batteries are being changed. (This prevents loss of information in volatile memory.)
Capacitors are used in power supplies where they smooth the output of a full or half wave rectifier. They can also be used in charge pumpcircuits as the energy storage element in the generation of higher voltages than the input voltage.
Capacitors are connected in parallel with the power circuits of most electronic devices and larger systems (such as factories) to shunt away and conceal current fluctuations from the primary power source to provide a "clean" power supply for signal or control circuits. Audio equipment, for example, uses several capacitors in this way, to shunt away power line hum before it gets into the signal circuitry. The capacitors act as a local reserve for the DC power source, and bypass AC currents from the power supply. This is used in car audio applications, when a stiffening capacitor compensates for the inductance and resistance of the leads to the lead-acid car battery.

Koréksi faktor daya

Capacitors are used in power factor correction. Such capacitors often come as three capacitors connected as a three phase load. Usually, the values of these capacitors are given not in farads but rather as a reactive power in volt-amperes reactive (VAr). The purpose is to counteract inductive loading from electric motors and fluorescent lighting in order to make the load appear to be mostly resistive.

Kopling sinyal

Because capacitors pass AC but block DC signals (when charged up to the applied dc voltage), they are often used to separate the AC and DC components of a signal. This method is known as AC coupling. (Sometimes transformers are used for the same effect.) Here, a large value of capacitance, whose value need not be accurately controlled, but whose reactance is small at the signal frequency, is employed. Capacitors for this purpose designed to be fitted through a metal panel are called feed-through capacitors, and have a slightly different schematic symbol.

Filter noise, motor starter, jeung snubber

When an inductive circuit is opened, the current through the inductance collapses quickly, creating a large voltage across the open circuit of the switch or relay. If the inductance is large enough, the energy will generate a spark, causing the contact points to oxidize, deteriorate, or sometimes weld together, or destroying a solid-state switch. A snubbercapacitor across the newly opened circuit creates a path for this impulse to bypass the contact points, thereby preserving their life; these were commonly found in contact breakerignition systems, for instance. Similarly, in smaller scale circuits, the spark may not be enough to damage the switch but will still radiate undesirable radio frequency interference(RFI), which a filter capacitor absorbs. Snubber capacitors are usually employed with a low-value resistor in series, to dissipate energy and minimize RFI. Such resistor-capacitor combinations are available in a single package.
In an inverse fashion, to initiate current quickly through an inductive circuit requires a greater voltage than required to maintain it; in uses such as large motors, this can cause undesirable startup characteristics, and a motor starting capacitor is used to store enough energy to give the current the initial push required to start the motor up.
Capacitors are also used in parallel to interrupt units of a high-voltage circuit breaker in order to equally distribute the voltage between these units. In this case they are called grading capacitors.
In schematic diagrams, a capacitor used primarily for DC charge storage is often drawn vertically in circuit diagrams with the lower, more negative, plate drawn as an arc. The straight plate indicates the positive terminal of the device, if it is polarized (see electrolytic capacitor).

Pamrosésan sinyal

The energy stored in a capacitor can be used to represent information, either in binary form, as in DRAMs, or in analogue form, as in analog sampled filters and CCDs. Capacitors can be used in analog circuits as components of integrators or more complex filters and in negative feedback loop stabilization. Signal processing circuits also use capacitors to integrate a current signal.

Sirkuit tala

Capacitors and inductors are applied together in tuned circuits to select information in particular frequency bands. For example, radio receivers rely on variable capacitors to tune the station frequency. Speakers use passive analog crossovers, and analog equalizers use capacitors to select different audio bands.
In a tuned circuit such as a radio receiver, the frequency selected is a function of the inductance (L) and the capacitance (C) in series, and is given by:
f = \frac{1}{2 \pi \sqrt{LC}}
This is the frequency at which resonance occurs in an RLC series circuit.

Panerapan séjén

Panerapan sénsor

Most capacitors are designed to maintain a fixed physical structure. However, various things can change the structure of the capacitor—the resulting change in capacitance can be used to sense those things.
Changing the dielectric: the effects of varying the physical and/or electrical characteristics of the dielectric can also be of use. Capacitors with an exposed and porous dielectric can be used to measure humidity in air.
Changing the distance between the plates: Capacitors are used to accurately measure the fuel level in airplanes. Capacitors with a flexible plate can be used to measure strain or pressure. Capacitors are used as the sensor in condenser microphones, where one plate is moved by air pressure, relative to the fixed position of the other plate. Someaccelerometers use MEMS capacitors etched on a chip to measure the magnitude and direction of the acceleration vector. They are used to detect changes in acceleration, eg. as tilt sensors or to detect free fall, as sensors triggering airbag deployment, and in many other applications. Also some fingerprint sensors.
Changing the effective area of the plates: capacitive touch switches 

Pulsed power and weapons applications

Groups of large, specially constructed, low-inductance high-voltage capacitors (capacitor banks) are used to supply huge pulses of current for many pulsed power applications. These include electromagnetic formingMarx generator , pulsed lasers (especially TEA lasers), pulse forming networksradarfusion research, and particle accelerators.
Large capacitor banks are used as energy sources for the exploding-bridgewire detonators or slapper detonators in nuclear weapons and other speciality weapons. Experimental work is under way using banks of capacitors as power sources for electromagnetic armour and electromagnetic railguns or coilguns.

Bahaya jeung kaamanan kapasitor

Capacitors may retain a charge long after power is removed from a circuit; this charge can cause shocks (sometimes fatal) or damage to connected equipment. For example, even a seemingly innocuous device such as a disposable camera flash unit powered by a 1.5 volt AA battery contains a capacitor which may be charged to over 300 volts. This is easily capable of delivering an extremely painful, and possibly lethal shock.
Many capacitors have low equivalent series resistance (ESR), so can deliver large currents into short circuits, and this can be dangerous. Care must be taken to ensure that any large or high-voltage capacitor is properly discharged before servicing the containing equipment. For safety purposes, all large capacitors should be discharged before handling. For board-level capacitors, this is done by placing a bleeder resistor across the terminals, whose resistance is large enough that the leakage current will not affect the circuit, but small enough to discharge the capacitor shortly after power is removed. High-voltage capacitors should be stored with the terminals shorted, since temporarily discharged capacitors can develop potentially dangerous voltages when the terminals are left open-circuited.
Large oil-filled old capacitors must be disposed of properly as some contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). It is known that waste PCBs can leak into groundwater underlandfills. If consumed by drinking contaminated water, PCBs are carcinogenic, even in very tiny amounts. If the capacitor is physically large it is more likely to be dangerous and may require precautions in addition to those described above. New electrical components are no longer produced with PCBs. ("PCB" in electronics usually means printed circuit board, but the above usage is an exception.) Capacitors containing PCB were labelled as containing "Askarel" and several other trade names.

Bahya alatan kapasitor tegangan luhur

Above and beyond usual hazards associated with working with high voltage, high energy circuits, there are a number of dangers that are specific to high voltage capacitors. High voltage capacitors may catastrophically fail when subjected to voltages or currents beyond their rating, or as they reach their normal end of life. Dielectric or metal interconnection failures may create arcing within oil-filled units that vaporizes dielectric fluid, resulting in case bulging, rupture, or even an explosion that disperses flammable oil, starts fires, and damages nearby equipment. Rigid cased cylindrical glass or plastic cases are more prone to explosive rupture than rectangular cases due to an inability to easily expand under pressure. Capacitors used in RF or sustained high current applications can overheat, especially in the center of the capacitor rolls. The trapped heat may cause rapid interior heating and destruction, even though the outer case remains relatively cool. Capacitors used within high energy capacitor banks can violently explode when a fault in one capacitor causes sudden dumping of energy stored in the rest of the bank into the failing unit. And, high voltage vacuum capacitors can generate soft X-rays even during normal operation. Proper containment, fusing, and preventative maintenance can help to minimize these hazards.


Various types of capacitors. From left: multilayer ceramic, ceramic disc, multilayer polyester film, tubular ceramic, polystyrene (twice: axial and radial), electrolytic. Major scale divisions are cm.
In October 1745Ewald Georg von Kleist of Pomerania invented the first recorded capacitor: a glass jar coated inside and out with metal. The inner coating was connected to a rod that passed through the lid and ended in a metal sphere. By having this thin layer of glass insulation (a dielectric) between two large, closely spaced plates, von Kleist found the energy density could be increased dramatically compared with the situation with no insulator.
In January 1746, before Kleist's discovery became widely known, a Dutch physicist Pieter van Musschenbroek independently invented a very similar capacitor. It was named the Leyden jar, after the University of Leyden where van Musschenbroek worked. Daniel Gralath was the first to combine several jars in parallel into a "battery" to increase the total possible stored charge.
The earliest unit of capacitance was the 'jar', equivalent to about 1 nF.
Early capacitors were also known as condensers, a term that is still occasionally used today. It was coined by Volta in 1782 (derived from the Italian condensatore), with reference to the device's ability to store a higher density of electric charge than a normal isolated conductor. Most non-English languages still use a word derived from "condensatore", like the French "condensateur", the German or Polish "Kondensator", or the Spanish"condensador".